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Bass Fishing Tips and Techniques – Flukes Action Underwater They call their flukes TwerkBaits

These are some of the best Flukes I have used. Make sure to checkout River A Tackle for more of their product line.


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  1. soooo…you want us to hit the subscribe button then? You make quality videos that are informative and entertaining, quit pimping the button, people are and will hit it on their own..its annoying

  2. Any chance you could try out a Zoom Swimmin' Fluke? I am interested to see whether they can be used as a jerkbait as well, or whether they should be retrieved pretty steadily.

  3. I've been a long time subscriber and I would LOVE to see more of these. The underwater videos are the reason I subscribed in the beginning. Thanks for the content, semper fi. 2/8/17

  4. Awesome video, I benefited greatly from seeing the lures action & how you fished the lure, Thank You!! I have subscribed, keep up the good work & please post more lures馃榾 (swim jigs, jigs,blade baits, crankbaits, various soft plastics, etc.)

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