Years of fishing has brought me to this place, this moment, this joy. Come with me while I discover the gift of the past, and bring it into the present; Bass Fishing the Ocala National Forest.
Years of fishing has brought me to this place, this moment, this joy. Come with me while I discover the gift of the past, and bring it into the present; Bass Fishing the Ocala National Forest.
Talk too much
I just Moved to Ocala and man shore fishing here has been so difficult for me to dial in here.
Doe lake needs a pile of those 12 inchers taken out.when me and my grandpa fished it growing up we caught some quality size fish.past few years when I fish it I catch a lot of bass but rarely any of size.
Trout lake is starting to get bad with junkies being there if you go there watch your step on acount of needles I live close to both doe lake and trout lake
My favorite thing is creek fishing for warmouth and cats
Mmmm! Tasty, I do pretty good at Rodman.
I love bass fishing
Went today to Seminole State forest, scouting for turkey, stopped by a lake and there were a lot of fish splashing the water early am, I wish I had a rod with me
I always fish with Zebco 33s. Best reels ever! My grandpa took me fishing so many times. Skipped me out of school to take me troutfishing in WV mountains.