Tips N Tricks

Bass Fishing. Lots of Huge Fish Caught With This Bait!

Do you want always catch a huge fish, when going fishing? Try leeches as live bait. I did not expect such success with leeches at all. In our Canadian lakes, there are a lot of largemouth and small-mouth bass. Leeches are main food source for bass and fish can not resist to bite a moving live leech on a hook. I wouldn’t guarantee that by throwing a leech at any place on the lake, you can catch a bass, Of course, you need to observe the surface of the water and try to determine the place where the fish could be. Bass loves places and driftwood overgrown with vegetation, and I probably found such a place. It is very important for successful fishing to be able to determine the place where the fish can be dwelling and feed at that moment, considering season, temperature weather, wind, atmospheric pressure this often depends on many factors of which the main ones are the availability of food for the bass, these are insects and small fish, frogs and salamanders, and the second is the presence of shelter: driftwood, stones, aquatic vegetation. If I correctly define such a place on the lake, then the result is not long in coming. In general, if you manage to find a place where the bass is currently feeding, then in one place you can catch several fishes. Due to the fact that fish usually sit in such places in large groups . But sometimes only one predator can be in ambush and then it is necessary to move to another place. The leech after the fish was intact and I cast it again. As a rule, the bass is biting immediately and it is better if you catch him right away, because if he escapes, then the second time he will not take the bait. Bass is smart fish, bass is predator. Though he is a perch but cunning. #BassFishingTips #BassFishing #Fishingtips #LiveBaitFishing #canada #canadacamping #bassfishinglures #bassfishinglife #bassfishingtipsandtechniques #freshwaterlake #bass #bassfish

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We are a team of avid bass fishermen for over 20 years. Follow us on Twitter, Instagram & Facebook for contests and giveaways

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  1. Amazing video! I'm going to use this information in the future. I would love to see more content like this from you. This was so well presented and thought out. My favourite part was how much detail that you went into about the biology and structure of the leeches. It was also great how you mentioned the culinary aspects of the bass. Great job how you released the fish!

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