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Bass Fishing Kerr Lake

Catching bass late April on spinner baits, baby brush hog, Pop R , bladed jig,
and swim baits.


We are a team of avid bass fishermen for over 20 years. Follow us on Twitter, Instagram & Facebook for contests and giveaways

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  1. Been watching a few years now brother. Love the feed. Keep ‘em coming. PS I use the mustad wide gap whacky hooks now and also using the heat shrink on the wrap at top end of the hook.

  2. Hey man, i hit the subscribe, trying to grow the local fisherman channel, if you like the content HIT the SUB back, would appreciate it… i'm VA fisherman also! Good stuff!

  3. Enjoy your videos very much. Thanks for doing them. I know you don't want to share all of your secrets, but a little more info on techniques and baits would be helpful. Thanks again for the great videos.

  4. Another great video, I cant wait until I can make it down to fish mid-lake. I am in Bluestone and it has been too rough and too much debris for me. Can't wait for your next one, good luck!

  5. Just recently found your videos and am so appreciative. Live close to the lake and don't get to fish that much and your videos really give me a great place to start. Thanks so much for sharing. Sorry – using my daughter's google account. Don't quite know how to use mine yet. Good luck and keep catching them.

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