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Bass Fishing at HOME! Realistic Fishing Plays Black Bass on NES!

Have you ever wanted to go bass fishing at home? Today Realistic Fishing plays Black Bass on the Nintendo Entertainment System! I played this fishing video game when I was young. It might not be the most accurate fishing game out there, but it makes up for it with charm. You can pick your spots on the lake, choose your lures, and catch multiple species of fish. I played a lot more fishing video games when I didn’t have the opportunity to go fishing. It might be fun to revisit them and see how realistic they actually are. If you need to fish but can’t, maybe Black Bass is right for you.

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  1. Realistic Gaming! I played Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth earlier this year, and in the in-game arcades you can play Sega Bass Fishing, an early 2000s era fishing game- spent way too much time doing that

  2. Played this game a lot as a kid! I figured out how to tell if the fish was worth the time or not. If the bass mouth was a straight line it would only be a one pounder. If it had a little bulge in the middle it would 2-3 pound.

  3. lmfao used to play this all the time back in the day when it was all there was pencil lure is where its at im going to play it on my emulator on my pc now haha. you need to play Blue Marlin now miss those NES days. Happy New Year

  4. This was just awesome my guys, brought back memories! This game and some others were difficult but so fun in our time! Thanks for this man, I enjoyed it! Watched the whole video, thinking of old times! Thanks for keeping it realistic!

  5. I had this game when I was a kid but could never find anyone else that knew about it my dad and I would take turns and then when the n64 came on the scene we had bass hunter 64 and that was probably my personal favorite fishing game thanks for bringing back these memories as my da has been gone for a few years now

  6. It's almost new years 2025 Alex wishing you lots of happiness love and good health my friend can't wait to see what new edventers are to come this new year 🫶🏼🙏🏼✌🏼🎣 I remember growing up back in the day playing my Nintendo Mario Brothers game and duck 🦆 Hunt and bomber man game my favorite old school games

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