How To

Bass Eat Bluegill! Top Bluegill Swimbaits For Spring Bass Fishing

Bluegill and panfish are a huge part of a bass’ diet. Whether you fish small ponds or huge lakes, knowing how to imitate bluegill will help you catch bigger bass in Spring. While visiting his childhood fishery, Tim was inspired to shoot this quick video about applying Bluegill swimbaits to your Spring bass fishing.

The bluegill swimbait category has exploded in recent years. Where we used to talk about one or two baits, there are now dozens of options on the market and it seems to grow every years. With every company jumping on the bandwagon, its more important than ever to have a little insight into which baits have proven themselves. To help narrow down the selection, Tim is walking us through his favorite soft baits, Hard Baits, and Bluegill-Imitating Glidebaits.

All of the baits discussed in the video are linked below. The links go directly to Tackle Warehouse where you can see detailed photos and descriptions of each item. We’ve also included some of our favorite combos for fishing these baits. While most bluegill baits can be thrown on a stout jig rod, the heavier soft baits and GlideBaits should be thrown on a dedicated swimbait combo.

Soft Bluegill Baits…
-Mattlures U2 Bluegill (Shown By Tim):
Colors: Male Bluegill, TW Baby Gill

-Mattlures Ultimate Bluegill:
Colors: Male Bluegill, TW Baby Gill

-Savage Gear Pulse Tail RTF (Jig hook):
Colors: Bluegill, Ghost Gill

-Savage Gear Pulse Tail LB (Weedless):
Colors: Bluegill, Ghost Gill

-All American Sunfish:
Colors: Male Bluegill, Bream
Hook- Owner 4/0 Weighted Beast:

Hard Bluegill Baits…
-Megabass Vatalion:
Colors: GG Gill, GG Wild Gill

-Jackall Gantarel Jr:
Colors: RT Ghost Gill, RT Spawn Gill

-Jackall Gantarel:
Colors: RT Ghost Gill, RT Bluegill

-Mike Bucca Bull Gill:
Colors: Bluegill

Bluegill Glidebaits…
-R2S S-Waver 168:
Colors: Bluegill, New Bluegill

-Arashi Glide:
Colors: Bluegill, Green Gill

Our Favorite Large Swimbait Combo…
Rod- G Loomis IMX Pro 966:
Reel- Shimano Tranx 300 (HG):
Line- Power pro Maxcuatro (80 lb Braid):
Leader- Sunline FC100 Fluorocarbon (35 lb):

Budget Large Swimbait Combo…
Rod- Savage Gear Squad 8′ Heavy Swimbait:
Reel- Shimano Curado 300K:
Line- Power pro Maxcuatro (65 lb Braid):
Leader- Sunline FC100 Fluorocarbon (30 lb):

Budget Small Bluegill Bait Combo…
Rod- Shimano SLX 7’2″ Heavy:
Reel- Shimano SLX XT (HG):
Line- Sunline Assassin 20 lb Fluorocarbon:

Want TacticalBassin Gear?

We have a variety of apparel items and custom lure designs available! Everything from hats, to hoodies, to crankbaits! Its all available direct through Tackle Warehouse with fast shipping. See it here…

TacticalBassin Apparel and Lure Designs:

Major Equipment We Use Daily…

Trolling Motor- Minn Kota Ultrex 112:
Electronics- Humminbird Solix 15:
Anchors- Minn Kota Talons:
Net- Frabill Conservation PLD 2612:
Camera- GoPro Hero 9:

Favorite Tools and Gear…

Favorite Storage Box:
Favorite sunglasses:
Favorite Pliers:
Favorite life jacket:
Favorite Scale:
Favorite Lure Retriever:
Favorite Braid Cutters:
Favorite Split Ring Pliers:

If you plan to do any shopping, using our links before doing your shopping at Tackle Warehouse is the single greatest way to support us! You won’t be able to even see a difference but they’ll know you’re one of us!

#Bassfishing #Bluegill #Swimbait


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  1. Live target 3.5 inch bluegill with treble hook on the bottom is absolutely deadly. Without the hook on the bottom you ill lose a ton of fish. If you cant a treble on the bottom its junk.

  2. The 10,000 fish Head Hunter is awesome soft bluegill swim bait and it’s weedless, the hook is in the fin and its held with a magnet and comes in 2 sizes

  3. Some time ago I randomly toss a bluegill swimbait and got a bass reaction. The sad part was that it only a small bass the bait got slip of the mouth when it jump out of the water.

  4. My 2 favorite bluegill bait are the Savagegear Pulsetail LB bluegill with the hidden hook and the 10,000 Fishes Headhunter License to Gill color! The 10,000 fishes one swims great and when you kill it, it sits just like a bluegill on the bottom awesome lures!

  5. Hey Tim, great video!! When you upgrade the hook on the Weedless SG Pulsetail what size and weight Owner Beast hook should I buy? Keep the great information coming. Thanks, Tony

  6. Mattlures is the best, a bit expensive but worth it. Their shad baits are awesome. Last year I was running a mattlures shad abt 3-4' in a local river and something hit it, I missed it, but it felt big whatever it was.

  7. vatillion never works for me It looks nice but man it doesn't get hit at all for me
    I'll keep trying. Any suggestions would be appreciated on how to fish it better

  8. Yo, TB crew! Making plaster molds of 8" Hudd tails is easy. I've put 10" tails on 8" Hudds. I've poured a 6" tail, then soaked it in water until it it bloated up a tad smaller than an 8" tail. Then I made a mold of that tail to make what would be a size 7" tail.
    And of course an 8" tail on a Huddgill.
    They all work like you would expect.
    Oh, and I was saying You and Matt should try refining a special bluegill swimjig like my two examples here.

  9. OK I have what probably will seem like a dumb question. Since I am still VERY new to this sport but am trying to watch, read and learn (AND SPEND LOL) as much as I can, Can somebody please tell me what anglers are doing when they reel in their fish and just when they get it to the edge of the boat, instead of reaching down to get the fish or lifting the fish out of the water, they instead lead the fish back and forth and/or around the boat to the other side, sometimes multiple times before then reaching down to get the fish? My only guess is they are simply trying to maintain tension on the line so as not to create slack and give the fish a chance to throw the hook but then again a lot of times it appears they could have picked the fish up sooner but instead lead it more before finally getting it. Is there another reason for this other than what i assumed or is it that pretty much the gist of it. I have seen some do it and they will lead a fish to the back or front of the boat before picking it up. Sorry if this sounds dumb but to me its a far to obvious and intentional act for me not to inquire about it. Thanks

  10. Any tips on how to not catch walleye/northerns when bass fishing? It’s a good problem to have but I’ve lost several crankbaits to walleye and pike. It makes me a little worried to spend $20+ on a bait knowing I could lose it on my first fish

  11. Was just thinking I've heard you guys talk a ton on these SG Pulsetails… I don't think I've heard you guys mention the RATTLE SLOTS in the pulse tails! Hope you guys saw those for some sound or a dash of flava!

  12. I did pretty well on the old Castiac hardhead panfish ( not the larger bluegill). It’s a shame it’s discontinued because it perfectly imitated a dumb young bluegill/redear just wandering near the surface.

  13. I really like the Academy H20 Express swimbaits here lately. $6 a piece, so it doesn't crush your soul if you snag one, but I caught 9 in one morning off of a Baby Bass color pattern one.

  14. I would LOVE it if Savage would hide that big gnarly line-tie eye on the front of their baits. It does make a difference I've found. The less visible hardware the better.

  15. Hi guys! I was wondering if you guys have ever looked at using llungen lures rattlin shad as a bait this time of year? I grew up in Wisconsin fishing for musky and wonder if you guys have ever looked at using "musky" baits for huge bass? The musky market has L-arm spinners and other baits that could target big bass/stripers. I'm also curious if you guys have been able to check out the musky innovations swimmin' dawg paddle tail bait? Thank you guys for all the info that you put out!

  16. Tim, sorry if I missed it but what retrieves do you recommend for the Savage Gear Pulse Tail Bluegill? Great video for those of us that fish Northern natural lakes and ponds that have a lot of bluegill forage and typically no shad. Keep up the great work!

  17. I just bought some of the Savage Gear soft swimbaits. I have a 7-3 heavy flipping rod with 50lb braid on it. Will that work OK? That's the only heavy power rod I have and I"m not putting fluoro on it so braid will have to do.

  18. I'm totally new to swimbaits/glidebaits but I'm going to try to get into using them this year, starting with the smaller and more affordable ones. I just got one of the weedless Savage Gear pulse tail gills, and I also picked up a 6th Sense speed glide during the TW holiday sale. It doesn't have bluegill profile but I got it in a bluegill color. I also want to try the Mike Bucca Baby Bull Gill and 10,000 fish Head Hunter. Any other recommendations you would have for soft/hard swimbaits for a beginner?

  19. Glad you made some footage while visiting your roots. So Tim, I am wondering if Bass ever target tiny Crappie in crappie lakes that don't have a lot of BGill? A few of the makers you mentioned have a great looking crappie imitation as well. Is it worth the time and $ to try these?

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