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Ballistic .223 walkthrough – Best Bass Boat Ever!!!!!

From Ballistic’s service to the quality and features, Ballistic Boats knock it out of the park with their bass boats!

IG: @austinbfishing

#bass #bassboat #fishing #bassfishing #powerpole #mercury


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  1. Very nice , thinking about buying one. FYI bass cat and a couple others have been vacuum infusing for many years, by far the strongest way to go, I think ballistic is the next bass cat / Allison family owned non big box boats of the future!!!

  2. I could afford this if, I quit eating, quit driving, quit using electric, sell the house, sell all my belongings, get divorced, give the kids away, mmm let's see what else? Seriously, very nice boat, but wow what a price tag. 115k?

  3. Nice boat. Make sure all your nuts and bolts are tight and check your bushings on your power poles all the time.馃憤馃徏What鈥檚 the boat weigh?

  4. The boat looks good. But to say that is the "best ever" is a tall claim that needs to be backed up with some hard data that separates this boat from any other new boat. They all look god these days. Where is the innovation? What is Ballistic doing that is trend setting? Don't get me wrong, Im not hating on the boat itself. I would have liked to see more data to match the title of the video. Happy fishing.

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