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Back to the Basics fishing Old School

I’m back in Maryland where I grew up, fishing farm ponds and back to the basics! No 75,000 dollar bass boat, no forward facing sonar, just a couple of lures in a pocket and a spinning rod! No, I’m not catching monster bass but when I was 12 years old a 1 1/2 pounder was a trophy to me and now years later, considering the nostalgia, it’s still a trophy!


We are a team of avid bass fishermen for over 20 years. Follow us on Twitter, Instagram & Facebook for contests and giveaways

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  1. You are a legend. I grew up watching you before I owned my first fishing rod. Saturday mornings with you and the rest of the early 90s gang are some of my favourite memories!

  2. Mr. Martin, I’d be honored to host you on any of the MD reservoirs…Loch Raven, Prettyboy, Liberty, Tridelphia, Rocky Gorge! Been tournament fishing these reservoirs for over 30 years. I’ve always heard you cut your teeth on these reservoirs. Let me know if I can take you!

  3. Watching him wade out in those reeds reminds me of an opening scene in Glen Lau's "Bigmouth" series…Roland wading through some timber in Santee Cooper, pork chop side burns, & them shades. If yall haven't heard of or watched those videos, find them somehow, somewhere (eBay?). They were so influential in how I viewed bass and bass fishing. Also the under water cinematography & narration was epic!

  4. I bank fish every week. I’m disabled and it’s the one thing I look forward to. I would love to be able to go out with you on Headwaters. The old school stuff works.

  5. I watch a lot of Roland…this may be the best of his videos. I am a bank fisherman and deal with a lot of moss every time I go out. I keep trying to force all the lures in my bag but simple is ALWAYS BETTER.
    Thanks Roland.

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