In today’s video, I upgrade my 125 gallon African cichlid tank, and my fish had more babies AGAIN! We also removed the cichlids in my koi pond into the new tank!
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8:22 is literally me, when I first got diving glasses and went to the local river
Hey Bobby, check out Fishing Clash! You'll love it!!!
Hi I like your vids I your the best YouTuber
Liked the video Bobby
Can I order a new fish for my pond I promise I will give you a gold fish and a bunch of bass I want some koi fish please.
What happen to the babies?
the males have a yellow dot down by there bottom fin
How cool would it be to set a go pro inside pond X. You can watch your babies in the pond.
I see Kansas album covers . One of my favorites. Way before your time, though. I’m surprised!
You got 19
I see all those guitars in your video do you play? if so use your talent in one of your videos? would be cool to hear ya. ya have a nice voice listening to you talk.
Great videos.
Honestly you should sell them or give some away bc you will just get way more of them in just a year
Nice fish though love it
Beautiful fish p.s another nice vid

this tank is amazing!! love the vids
Take the orange male out. So one of the other colors will be the dominant male
just wanted to say i loved this video so so much! also i wanted to know if u had any ocean fish and if u ever plan on doing a ocean tank or something like that
Another awesome video
This is straight out of the Carbonaro Effect.
Bardzo fajny film…Pozdrawiam.
He literally did the worst possible thing cleaning everything in one go
Sick fish man
how do you know when they have baby’s in their mouth? I got some African sicklets and I’m tryna know for the future
well im late just still know its good thats probaly why ive been having a feeling theres a good vid some where
Is the baby oscar still in the pond and can we get a update on him and his face is different because he’s a male
Beautiful fish Bobby. Yes that sounds great man. I cant wait to see what you buy man. God bless you and your family and friends…..

Sup. Great video

Hi ! Love the vids! Keep up the great work!