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Augusta Outdoors – The World Record Largemouth Bass

The largest bass ever captured was caught right here in Georgia! Caught by George Perry on June 2, 1932, it weighed 22 pounds, 4 ounces and is the most sought after sport fishing record in history. This was during the Great Depression and times were tough. George and his family lived on a farm and due to rain, he couldn’t get out in the field to work his crops. So, the next best thing to do? Go fishing.


We are a team of avid bass fishermen for over 20 years. Follow us on Twitter, Instagram & Facebook for contests and giveaways

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  1. If you didn’t know the story of the world record largemouth bass, you’d think it was caught by one of these hot shot tournament pros with a $40k bass rig equipped with sonar, a dozen rods and a jam packed tackle box. The real question is….who was Jack Page and what became of him?

  2. It’s a shame that the habit that supported a fish like this is now dried up and reclassified due to the utter ignorance of the state . Ray Scott never cared for Georgia that much because of this .

  3. I grew up about thirty miles from Jacksonville Ga. My biggest fish was 27 inches long but I didn't weigh her. Released her back into the farm pond. Great fishing in the farm ponds in the area.

  4. I was doing a job in Oakland park Florida 5-6 years ago and noticed a nice canal behind the guys house and I asked him if there was good fishing in it and he told me that his teenage neighbor pulled a 19.5 pound bass out of it but didn’t have the money to register it.There’s big ones like that out there but I personally have never caught one even close to that

  5. I'm always amazed by the old timers, they didn't have the tech we have today and still out fished and out hunted the best of today with all our technology. It's awesome what we can do if we just have faith in and rely on our abilities as outdoorsmen and outdoorswomen. I've gone back to the basics that my dad taught me and have had far more success than relying on the tech. We should all encourage each other instead of condemning. I have to admit though that most of today's hunters seem to be city boys looking for trophy's as apposed to the hunter and fisherman of old out looking for food. Regardless of reason we should all be thankful and respect nature or we are going to loose that resource. Good luck to all and enjoy.

  6. Biggest one I ever caught was just over 10 lbs. I released it of course since most won't and they deplete the joys of fishing. I do know several backyard ponds near that I can take them to for the kids to catch and release.

  7. Caught a 9.9 and threw back in same spot and caught a 5.4 and this is no shit,I threw back In the same damn spot and something grabbed my line and took it wherever it needed ,then the pressure snapped it. But still to this day I've never caught another bass to beat that first fish . And probably never will .tbh the 5 lb'r fought twice as hard as the 9.9. what this man did was phenomenal. Hats off your a legend sir rip

  8. Not sure why the bass in the photo with the young boy has a belly full of eggs in June????? Way past spawning time in Georgia I’d think. When Perry’s son saw the photo he said it couldn’t be his dad since he didn’t smoke. It appears to me that the “mounted” bass is much more to scale based on the data. Much bigger than the photo.

  9. His middle finger on his left hand is fake and his left knee is fake and the tail of this bass is fake. The head of this fish has a modern clarity that is concerning and the background looks as though it doesn't match the fish

  10. Not being a photographic forensic expert it's clear as day that the photo of him holding the fish is a primitive photoshop photo.look closely at his fingers and fingernails and there is a big problem. Look at the fishes tail and it almost looks like he has got another hand holding the not saying he didn't catch the world record but this isn't a legit photo.

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