What’s up guys, we set out to Saguaro Lake and Bartlett Lake in chase of some bass. Thought i would do a little update video of a few clips from the last few weeks. It has been so hot out that most of the fishing I’ve done has been at night so looking forward to cooler weather on the horizon. The next video will most likely be a reel giveaway so stay tuned for that video!
Youtube – www.youtube.com/vitalfishing
Instagram – Vitalfishing
Facebook – Vitalfishing
Alamo Lake Cranking – https://tinyurl.com/AlamoLakeCranking
Deep Cranking Saguaro Lake – https://tinyurl.com/deepcrank
Northern Arizona Swimbait Bass – https://tinyurl.com/northernazbass
Lake Havasu Swimbaits – https://tinyurl.com/LakeHavasuSwimbaits
Lake Havasu Dropshot – https://tinyurl.com/havasufinesse
Lake Havasu Flipping Reeds – https://tinyurl.com/havasuflippin
Colorado River Smallmouth – https://tinyurl.com/coloradoriverbass
Bartlett Lake Madness – https://tinyurl.com/bartlettfrenzy
Canyon Lake Big Bass – https://tinyurl.com/canyonbigbass
Urban Striped Bass in Canal – https://tinyurl.com/UrbanStriper
#Arizona #saguaro #bass #saguaro #Bartlett
Love the videos I've seen aloot of your videos. Everytime I go out to saquaro I don't even get a bite. Any tips on saquaro lake by chance. And how long have you been fishing for?
What line do you prefer on your bait case reals?
is the tracker classic pretty stable?
Just found your channel and I can't stop watching great catches. I just subscribed!
Yea buddy!! Some pigs
Nice guys! Some good fish right there. Great crank bait bite!

Great video!
You got my sub! Throw one my way too if you can! Keep up the great content!

I really enjoyed and glad I found your channel! Congrats on the fish and look forward to more videos! Also congrats on 2K
"Get your own net"
so good to see you guys out having fun!
Awesome channel still waiting for your own fishing show on prime time!
Nice work! Look forward to the next video!
Nice fish. Just moved to Phoenix area from
Chicago. Glad to see peeps catching some nice bass. All my buddies were telling me there’s no fishing out here. Well, they need to see this vid.
congrats on the PB!!
keep the vids coming
Nice , will see you out there soon