How To

Are we all HYPOCRITES when it comes to BASS FISHING

We all say we want one thing but when it comes down to it and no-one is around do we still watch. The Train Wreck is always hard not to look at, but do you stare.

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I started fishing when I was just a young kid and instantly fell in love with Bass Fishing. Started fishing tournaments when I was in high school and have been fishing them ever since. For years I fished every tournament I could enter sometimes fishing as many as 45 tournaments a year. I qualified for the Elites when I was 30 but didn’t have the sponsors or money to compete so I turned it down. Got sponsor support later and fished the FLW Tour for 2 years and having been fishing the Toyotas since 2006. I’ve won 5 Angler of the Year Titles becoming the only fishermen to have more than 3 AOYs in the Toyota series. Won numerous events along the way that has helped shape my way into working for Strike King as head of product innovation. Along the way, I picked up a camera and started filming my endeavors.  I  have now fallen in love with making videos about fishing and delivering it to you. Follow along the journey…it should be an honest and fun ride!


We are a team of avid bass fishermen for over 20 years. Follow us on Twitter, Instagram & Facebook for contests and giveaways

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  1. Great video! I’m definitely part of the silent majority. I watch your channel not for the fish catches but for the learning and your forward way of thinking. That’s what got me to your member page. I would rather not sit and just watch you make fish catches on ffs. But to teach. In my opinion you would have to give up to much juice to do that. Such as knowing you may have to scope to win, what kinds of areas are you looking for, is it depth, clarity, temp. Why this bait over that bait. I would say you probably have some of your competition watch your channel or even on the members page to try and learn. Not that any would admit it. I personally and I don’t think I’m alone would rather learn how you caught a 10 lbs fish than see you catch it. I guess that’s why I look forward to all the private channel videos when you do a teaching video you break it down to where it makes sense. And I’m able to apply it.
    Thanks for all your hard work Todd.

  2. Live Scope or no Live Scope? I leave that up to the individual preference. For me personally I prefer to not even go that route of LS. Why? Because I feel the enjoyment of fishing is being able to take old school skills of “reading the river” like my friend (85 years old) who was one outstanding angler. He never even uncovered his Lowrance that came with his boat. His reason? He told me…”Don’t need it. Been fishing these waters for 60 years”. People with all the bells and whistles would follow his boat to see where he was going to fish. I would be asked several times…’ where ya’ll going?’ I’d always respond….. wherever Mr Williams decides. I never will give those locations up. Mr Williams has passed on. Old school. The REAL DEAL.

  3. Thought provoking. As I was fishing with my 82 yr old Dad yesterday my mind was thinking about your video. My uncle fished in the early Ray Scott tournaments and we would always gather around the TV and watch tournaments. We enjoyed the stories surrounding the anglers and listening to how the lakes were dissected, watching the fish blowups. Presently, I find the coverage just boring, not necessarily because of FFS or not. Maybe tournament fishing is not made for live TV. Great shows Todd.

  4. Have always watched bass live since it started not so much any more
    I think most watched it to learn or to cheer for there favorite angler not so much any more.. watching used to be fun… why does BASS shows you the fish catch’s over and over during the day not just for a update but to keep you interested because the actual live is boring… hell I can watch the highlights on you tube cause we already know there scoping so why bother and that’s sad and for a old hand this much technology is not the path and integrity for the future if it was this equipment wouldn’t be so very expensive and these companies aren’t worried about integrity just your money

  5. Hey man I’ll say this. I watch everything in and around bass fishing today like how I did ever since I started fishing. People pick and choose sides when it comes to bass fishing whether it’s all about pro tournaments, pro anglers are better than everyone else, yes live scope, no live scope or whatever it is, there will be nothing without bass fishing in general. To be a great angler you have to learn from everything in and around bass fishing not just one or the other to be able to know the best ways to go bass fishing and catch fish. Nothings wrong with your thoughts on this because everyone see it differently.

  6. I don’t have FFS nor can I afford it so I technically am against it for all the reasons Blaukat preaches about. However, If one thinks the older generation is against it. Go bass fishing during the week when all the retired old crappie fisherman are out there. Some of their set ups blow you pros away. And their mostly homemade and amazing.

  7. Its all unfolding to a split, one league with ffs and one without it. I don't watch it like I used too, I'm watching even very few highlights. I get more entertainment from the drama unfolding on YouTube. The split will come it's just a matter of time. Hypothetically Todd, who's team you on when it does, you gonna fish tournaments that's its allowed or not allowed? If you could only pick one which would it be? Scary part is 2 states are thinking of banning it, it's being discussed in several other states as well… that's the rabbit hole I didn't want this to go down… let the drama keep on… it's funny… TAA is gonna be taking full advantages of the cuts MLF is making, which is where the split will start there will be 2 teams out there saying they are the best one with it, and one league without it, more drama, more sales, more viewership all the way around…

  8. We are in the Beginning of what could be called a Bass Fishing revolution. New technology vs old technology. Is there going to be a livescope party where the non livescopers take all of our electronics and throw them into the harbor 😅😂😂😂.

  9. The small minority of RB sheep are very loud about FFS. They are no different than the pink/blue haired weirdos protesting this country over every little thing they find.

  10. I stop watching this channel because he never goes fishing he just sits on his f***king couch talking … look man not everybody cares about your tournament drama … go fishing film yourself catching fish …. This talking stuff is boring and really irrelevant to recreational fishing…. Bro stop looking down at your electronics all day and actually go fishing, just go fishing old school way prob do better numbers on your vids … this channel is bs …

  11. Fishing is way too boring now with ffs. I would rather watch bowling. But I could watch you throw a frog, chatter bait or hybrid hunter all day. One of the biggest hammers out there Bro. And oh FBD!

  12. Todd this is a little long so be patient it seems like every and I mean every conversation about fishing revolves around ffs. If everyone that is so passionate (either side) would re focus their energy and resources around the age of our fisheries and lack of habitat and focus on habitat restoration I feel ffs would be a non issue. If the baitfish had habitat where they could feed and be safe they would tend to stay in those areas which in turn would cause bass to do the same. You would have a much healthier fishery better fishing less pelagic fish and ffs would just become another tool and not a sole method. I also feel like viewership is being more effected by the fishing style when using ffs and not the actual unit. I mean how entertaining is it watching 106 guys using a crappie set up minus the bobber catch fish for 4 days. Just my opinion

  13. Its funny, guys who love fishing and learning new things are all about it. They are the ones spending money. Those guys that complain, fish a t-rig, dropshot, ned rig. They have ZERO interest in anything new. Or they bought it, cant understand it, get frustrated, give up on it. I have honestly not met 1 person out fishing who has ever said ffs is bad. Not one! I live in one of the most liberal states and yet not 1 fisherman has ever said ffs is ruining fishing. I get questions about how to use it and understand it. Social media is the platform for the largest group of karens to voice their opinion. Unfortunately they want to ban things because well they have to be against something to justify why they suck 😂. As for watching it live, it makes for boring tv! Its not the old highlight show it used to be. I promise you, if they showed live bassmaster events back 10yrs ago they would be just as boring. Everyone wants instant gratification. And if you cant watch boring live fishing, well then you should probably go out and go scoping so you can watch a lot of fish you cant catch follow, avoid, and every now and then eat your bait. Kinda like watching bassmaster live. 😂😂😂

  14. I don't have a side when it comes to livescope. I like it, I use it, I enjoy it, I've learned a ton from it, it's made me understand fish in a much better way, made me a better fihserman, I don't always use it, I enjoy power fishing much more but on slow days very few things are more enjoyable than shaking a biwa rig (something I was doing almost a decade before livescope but it's significantly more fun with livescope) with a Evergreen bassenemy stick or a few others I don't want to name, I do think watching someone use it is meh, I also think 94 transducers and 17 screens is a bit overkill but do what you want with your boat and it's your choice to put whatever the hell you want on it. My general stance on banning just about everything is don't ban things. However, where I do somewhat pick a side is, the good JDM stuff is better than our stuff. Or perhaps better isn't the right word, more enjoyable I think is the right word. That is of course until you break that $400 rod and it doesn't have warranty lol and isn't readily replaceable. *Edit: on the silent majority, yes there is. Most of the boats I see have livescope on it whether they're teenagers to 80 year old crappie guys.

  15. Im not for or against FFS. I could care less. These serious anti FFS people have lost it. I call them “Shooter”. Have you ever seen Happy Gilmore/ Adam Sandler flick? Happy runs up and hits a golf ball 400+ yards right down the middle. He turns and smiles at Shooter and says “And you’ve been doing this your whole life” 😂😂😂 reminds me of the guys that say “Spotlighters” aren’t real fisherman. They didn’t spend 40yrs learning how to really fish. 😂😂😂😂😂

  16. Spoiler alert we will see guys that can catch them with or without ffs and guys who can't catch them without ffs. Just like when side image came out we seen guys that would catch them on ledges because they figured out first how to drop a way point on them idling around during practice then line up on that way point during tournament. But if ledges didn't play during a tournament they were way in the back of the field. As more guys got it dialed in some of the" ledge guys" just disappeared. As always the cream will rise to the top and that will be the guys who have the ability to keep up with all techniques. Some guys will keep complaining because there guy mabe isn't as good as they thought but its easier to blame ffs. But i think were going to see a few of these young guys leave a mark because they can do it all.

  17. Todd you are playing right into the hands of no scope can’t fish Bucket head Randy! You know we all scope. He probably has five on his boat and takes them off before he comes in. Live scope is a tool and should be used as such. I am normally the quiet majority because as in life the little guy gets shut down. I love using it and think watching how good those guys have become using it more fun. Seems like there are more fish catches and if you say your a fisherman isn’t that what we are all trying to do??? Catch more fish? There needs to be a limit though really! How many screens are enough 5? 10? 15? Screens? There needs to be a limit, but let’s be honest how many fish catches would there have been at Toledo? Would there have been 10 20+lb bags? I don’t think so. There were a couple bank beaters they didn’t fair so well. How boring would it be to watch them all day to catch 3 or 5 1lb or 3lb fish. So I am normally the quiet majority but needed to chime in. Sorry buddy love your content. By the way is Hallman alright? Miss him and his content as well. Wish he would have given it one more year. Man it’s been a dream of mine to fish some big tourneys like the bassmaster but don’t have the funds or the time off work. Keep us on our toes buddy. Don’t normally subscribe or join but I am going to subscribe to your channel tonight! Tell Andrew he did the right thing on the Brian new thing I believe.

  18. The guys like Clunn, that have old-school knowledge, and combine it with new-school tech, should absolutely crush it. FFS isn’t just a “young guy” thing. It’s a tool that can enhance, and evolve anyone’s fishing acumen.

  19. Idk I watch all the bassmaster stuff I always have but I don’t mind watching livescoping either there’s always stuff to learn I’d say there’s a silent majority for sure I mean I’m cool with livescope and if they took it away I’d be cool too I’m good either way and as far as your channel there’s always people that will want stuff I’d just keep doing what your doing man your channel is awesome just the way it is

  20. Is say I'm part of the silent crowd Todd,I just live watching fishing so I doesn't matter to me one bit how they catching them but it will never compare to the good ole days of fishing when it wasn't live and was a TV show,couldn't wait to watch it

  21. I saw a poll that said 50% had FFS now, 50% did not, and based on comments some percentage of those who did not have it yet planned to get it.

    The difference in the two groups – one side is not trying to force the other to use it, but the other side is trying to ban the one side from using it. And the banners most likely have never used it, because they have some mistaken notions of what it does.

  22. Todd, I like the comparison of the " silent majority "however, I don't believe in this case that the silent majority are pro FFS. I believe they are the silent minority. Many people are voicing concern against FFS because they don't want it to kill the sport. As a retail manager for 25 years, when I got called to the courtesy desk, very rarely it was a customer wanting to give me a compliment on their experience being positive. Mostly it was because of something they deemed as wrong. As a manager I had to take every complaint seriously because I want things done right and the customers who paid money that paid my salary deserved to be listened to at the very least, even if I felt they were wrong in certain cases. Human nature, by and large, will always lean to negativity and complaining because we are all sinners but that doesn't mean that every time someone voices a concern, they are being negative and are wrong. The way Bassmaster has conducted themselves through these issues is of bigger concern to me than the the issue itself because they come across to the people that pay their salaries as already making up their mind, not listening, and even worse making arrogant comments back to the fans that are against it. Believe me, I know they've been receiving those as well. But like I said, as a manager, an ambassador or representative of the company you work for, ultimately the fans( pro or con) pay their salaries and they need to represent in a calm, professional manner. I really appreciate you Todd when you propose questions to make people think as opposed to being condescending and arrogant. When there is transparency from the beginning and good communication then there is way less commotion and anger as a result. People can listen better, respond better and progress is more likely to result. Hopefully, we can all get past this soon. I'm trying to be as objective as I can and one thing I've witnessed is very few people voicing legitimate positive reasons to have FFS…voicing why it is imperative that we must have it. The one thing I just can't stand on either side of this is questioning each others love for bass fishing.

  23. I like all your videos, I would watch fishing if they were useing concrete blocks to catch them.Everyone can aleays learn something! By the way you havent quit ate as many MUSHROOMS as Rick Clunn yet but you're working o. It @😂😂😂😂😂

  24. I watch because i love to fish and i have been following and enjoying watching tournaments for the past 10 years or so. I like to see what a guy is trying to put together, why, where, etc. I dont enjoy it so much anymore since scoping took over. I just cant except live technology and fishing. Watching Trey Mckinney fish a glide bait today live on a screen. " oh my! Here they come! They're coming for it!" As he is watching it unfold live on a screen. Or Chris Johnson bed fishing with it. It looked like a video game to me seeing the fish swimming around in the bed on his screen. It doesn't matter to me that its a skill to learn. Or that its not a guarantee theyre going to bite. It doesnt belong in fishing in my opinion. Its a step too far technology wise. I dont like it and i wouldn't use it. I obviously dont blame tournament anglers for using it. Its legal, its the only way to be consistently competitive, but its just not for me.

  25. So tonight Todd at 3am you are awakened by all kinds of horrible debilitating sounds coming from your house, you are forced to leave. You drive 3 miles to a local motel only to be awakened again by a fire alarm that won’t quit. You are forced to leave. You call a friend he has a cabin 25 miles out in the middle of nowhere, but guess what you are once again awoken there are helicopters everywhere on a rescue mission for a lost hiker. No Peace No Rest only Stress, what would this eventually do to your well being ? Being chased to all ends of the earth, or should I say water. Narrow minded selfish people don’t see the future. I’m 53 I’ve seen some things. People need to stop and think, when the stats come it may be too late. Thanks always enjoy your honesty Todd. This is mine.

  26. The Highlight reels before ffs were badass. Flippn, dragging, finesse, the techniques highlited the fishermen’s skills. Highlight reels now look the same with diff jerseys. Same technology. Just an observation.

  27. No not watching for the same reasons as years ago. I watch because of the information you now have access to. scope or not. Rick Clun said he wanted to win a tournament scoping before he was 90. I think he can. I have a problem of taking in massive amounts of information but seem unable to apply it when I get on the water that's, where Alabama Waters helped me the most.

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