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Are there any more secrets left in Bass Fishing?????

Are there any more secrets left in bass fishing? The answer might surprise you. I bring up this question because even with all the technology, social media, and videos, you would think they have all been exposed. I don’t think they have and there are a lot of guys walking around with secrets in fishing that they aren’t telling. Are you one of those guys?


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  1. Aw yea there are still some secrets out there. I've still got a few. One's a bait, one's a crankbait color by a brand hardly anyone i know throws, and one's got somethin to do with a jig. If i had livescope i'd be hell locally lol.

  2. My Dad gave away the juice years ago in the early 2000's. I mean, he was catching fish 6 – 8 pounds almost every trip, and had 5 over 10 pounds that first year he figured it out. He could have won just about every local tournament up until the summer easily for years if he would have kept his mouth shut. Instead he won the first few and blabbed. It sucked because I was away at college so he and my brother in law got to have most of the fun. The rig wasn't anything special by today's standards, but our fish had never seen a wacky trick worm on 10 pound test flipped in heavy cover where jigs and texas rigs belonged.

  3. If there are several boats on my homelite especially guys I don't recognize that I know don't know where the spots are at I will purposely not fish certain spots so that they don't see me there catching them. When I first got in the bass fishing my buddy who got me started took me to our home lake and we hit a lot of these areas and he told me now when you get your boat and you start doing this on your own don't fish these spots on Friday Saturday and Sunday and I never have unless I'm all by myself which isn't very often. As far as secret baits go I don't think I have any secret baits really but I definitely have some colors that work that I don't share with everybody in certain soft plastics LOL

  4. Dude. I just starting watching you. I have watched maybe 5 videos of yours. I could watch you talk for hours. I have the same mind set. I’m a deep thinker as well. I deep think about everything in life especially when it comes to bass fishing. My thoughts are the like the beginning of your thoughts. I don’t have a lot of experience on the water but I have won a couple tournaments and 3 big bass awards and many top tens. So your thoughts from your extended experiences is just adding to my thoughts. Also. I am that guy who watches fisherman just fish as well. I watch pros and other fisherman fish to try and put together the puzzle. My main thing that has helped me in bass fishing is finding that common denominator within videos of what where when and how. I have also learned so far that the biggest thing in fishing is confidence and your mentality.

  5. The biggest secret of all probably. Is the one that Todd shared. About the decision making process. Which turned out to have problems in it. For the Lake Hartwell tournament (the 'top ten' limit of fish that was left after him on the day). And it wasn't really. As Todd explained. Something that he did or did not do. On the tournament fishing day (sometimes it is, something or other that can happen on the day). In this case. It wasn't. It was clearly. A break down in the process. That was used in order to become familiar with the fish and environment (fishing with the top water's that had no hooks). In the first number of 'practice days'. I would never name any names. Of any other bass tournament anglers (and 'bass' is not even my species of fish either, I grew up fishing small trout competitions when I was very young). Thirty years ago. Some pro anglers nowadays. Are more afraid. Of the practice day period of time. And less afraid. Of the actual tournament days. Why? Because they've no confidence. In their process. They use for practice.

  6. I was fortunate enough to be one of the 1st ones in on the 'Alabama Shake' 30 years ago. I remember a certain 6lber, jumping OUT of the grass to come DOWN on my swimjig. Death from Above!!! It was truly awesome. That one lure and technique has wrecked tens of thousands of bass here on Central Alabama's Coosa River over the last 30 years but it was incredible when it was 'OURS'. We always came in to weigh in with the rods put away or with just a spinnerbait out. That was our fake; "Caught 'em on 'SPINNERBAIT' ". But, after all these years, I still have a couple GUARANTEED lures and techniques. I haven't been SKUNKED since 1999! Todd, you are SO RIGHT, bud; it's when you're THINKING, when you've got your head in the game, that's when the lights come on and you make discoveries, or have an EPIPHANY. It's usually the simplest things, too, that come to light. I call it 'Thinking Like a Fish'. It's also known as the 'FISH EYE'- either you have it or don't!

  7. Personally, as an avid, non-tournament bass fisherman, I tune into fishing channels to get new ideas, confirm old ones and to just get better. The only secrets I keep are related to specific spots and locations, or information someone else shared with me personally. Other than that I'm happy to share just about anything to help someone catch'em.

  8. Jacob wheeler just won Champlain using live scoop if you ain’t got money you ain’t competing take away there graphs and they will catch less fish it’s a proven fact

  9. Dude, I live on Hartwell and you are 100% esp during this part of the year. I have a few friends with Live Scope and they are able to find Spots and catch them WAY easier. I can run up on shoals and throw the same things, but just fishing in the dank compared to them. Major, major difference.

  10. In summary I still throw that jig today and would love to send you some. But you would be the same as everyone else. “Yea right.” It just because you share the juice does not mean everyone will drink it.

  11. Todd, let me give you another perspective. In the early 90s A friend of my Father n law gave me a six pack of 1/4 oz hand tied red peanut head jigs. If you have seen living rubber the red is really pink. That night I tie it on and within 30 minutes I caught one 7.5 lbs. at the time I was using a tomato chunk. I moved to red pearl chunk and really started to catch them.I had one summer every weekend I would wreck them. I would bring poloroids in to work. Everyone would ask what are you catching them on and I would tell them and they would laugh. I was buying these hand tied jigs 7-8 dz at a time. Where I differ is I believe in karma. Someone gave me the jigs and so anytime someone ask. I will give them one or some. I know I helped the person who made them. Because I told everyone hi made them. I maker even got beat in one tournament by his own jig.

  12. Secret spot without much pressure > secret bait imo. I fish a couple places around me that don't get a ton of tournament pressure: two small reservoirs and one massive river system. Trust me there are still secret spots on all 3. Now I just need some secret baits…

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