Yui Aoki lost his first bass of the day but rebounded moments later for keeper number one.
Watch LIVE at Kentucky Lake, here: https://www.bassmaster.com/tournament/2025-bassmaster-open-at-kentucky-lake-lake-barkley/basstrakk/?pro=1
#bassmaster #fishing #kentuckylake
FFS has ruined the sport. It's amazing that Alabama rigs are illegal, but you can target with FFS.
Ah yes…. Staring at a screen and putting a bait in their face. Talent.
Why use such a small fishing rod???
That dude is a stone cold hammer! Get it Sir!
Landing a 3lber seems to be hard for a pro
Clearest most well spoken word he speaks was BIGGUN! Lol love it!
Its pretty stupid that you can use Alabamas and FFS ,- but you cant use a rubber net- Who comes up with these rules?
I’m sorry but some of these guys play with the fish in the water too much, I understand light tackle but come on man land the damn fish already.
Why no landing net ? Are they not allowed ?
He's on em!
That dude could sure use a net. Unfortunately he can't though….
Let’s go!!!
Nice Catch