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An Easy Way To Locate & Catch Crappie In 2025

How to find / locate and catch crappie January 2025! Full Crappie fishing setup, rigs, tips, techniques, secrets, and hacks! How to catch crappie in muddy water conditions! Beginner friendly! I hope you enjoy the video!


Main Camera
Second Camera
Chest Mount
Accessory Kit
Editing Software


2 Corinthians 9: 7
You must each decide in your heart how much
to give. And don’t give reluctantly or in
response to pressure. “For God loves a person
who gives cheerfully.”

Proverbs 11: 25
The generous will prosper; those who refresh
others will themselves be refreshed.

1 Chronicles 29: 14
But who am I, and who are my people, that we
could give anything to you? Everything we
have has come from you, and we give you
only what you first gave us!



We are a team of avid bass fishermen for over 20 years. Follow us on Twitter, Instagram & Facebook for contests and giveaways

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  1. I thoroughly enjoy ALL your videos and get great joy watching you get so excited when you set the hook on so many "Munster" sized CRAPPIE.
    I'm 73yrs and had to have 5 vertebrae Fused in my neck Jan 27th this year…then 3 surgeries on my left knee. I'm gonna be laid up for prime fishing this year so I'm so glad to have found your channel…..Boy-O-Boy I'm tellin' ya, you cheer me up with your antics and quirkiness…too much like me my wife thinks we must be related. I told her we are all related as the children of GOD…she just looked at me and then laughed too.
    Thanks RG and keep 'EM Coming.

  2. Another great video. Im just wondering about the last video of yours that I watched you used a bobber above the jig to get the correct depth you wanted to catch crappie. Do you only use a bobber with a jig in clear water? Most of my fishing in on Grand lake in Oklahoma and its muddy a lot so im wondering what's the best way for me to go. Again great video!

  3. Let’s go fishin man I’ve watched your videos for years I’m about 30 mins from Guntersville I’m a pretty good fisherman mainly bass but pretty good at crappie too. Would love to spend a day fishin with you

  4. I’m sorry I gotta say this talkin on a pint you made about the color rt b4 u skipped to ur Lou… there’s this color of old lunkerhunt baby shad it was a combination of gold and chartreuse I don’t remember what the name of it was but I dubbed it the “muddy water jig” after me and my brother just ripped em up left and right one day @ the dock

  5. The boy sat staring into the shallow water of his local lake. He saw several Crappie building nesting circles on the lake bed.. They had removed all debris, and washed the sand in their mouths until only a clean circle remained.
    After the nest was finished, each fish would begin a hypnotic dance over top of it. turning and spinning as their bright colors flashed in the mid day sun. All done to entice a female to lay her eggs so that he could fertilize and care for them until birth.
    The boy grew curious, so he tossed a red berry into the nearest nest. The fish quickly removed it, inspected his nest, and then continued his dance. The boy repeated the process a few times , and each time the fish grew more and more aggressive. Darting in ever larger circles around the perimeter of his nest.
    Then came the time when the fish took the berry to his closest neighbors nest….dropped it in…and then attacked his neighbor. After returning from the attack, he would no longer dance. Just swim in angry guarded circles over his nest.
    This seemed like the perfect opportunity for further in-depth scientific study. So the boy threw a handful of berries into the nest. As one could imagine….It was ON. The water turned to boiling chaos as the fish began to attack all of his neighbors and destroy their nests. Some fought back while others just watched the mayhem until the water filled with mud that blocked all sight. The boy then continued on his way, dreaming of a future in international politics. True story 1970's.

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