Randy gives tips and advice on fishing bluff Banks…#bassmasters #bassfishing #bassmasteropens #fishing #angler #bass
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Thanks Randy. I have a tournament tommorrow on a lake with alot of bluffs and steep rocky banks and it typically is something I struggle fishing. Going to put your advice to work.
Randy, i really appreciate your channel. A lot of your tips come in handy on Grand.
As a White River, Beaver Lake and Tablerock local, bluffs are always present. Thanks for the info. I always have a hard time deciding on the bluff side or going across to the shallow inside of the bend. I'm in a kayak so there is an energy expenditure that i have to consider.
Here is a solution to FFS which is a huge step… You cannot cast while the unit is on so you cannot sight fish.

Do I have any shot at catching bass on a fly rod on Table Rock? Maybe late March / early April back in the creeks? Parents have a condo in Kimberling City & I've spent about 20 hrs around KC since summer with no luck.
Randy, you know what would put your website over the top underwater videos. Just a couple of minutes once in a while would be awesome. Thanks for listening. Thanks for fishing. Thanks for all the words on the cheater box. I won't go there. I want to be watching the lake and what I'm doing.Fishing not looking at the Monitor screen Fish on
That is some good info. Good video.