In this fishing video we’re fishing Wheeler lake on the Tennessee River. Wheeler lake has some of the best fishing when it comes to catching Smallmouth bass ,Spotted Bass,Largemouth bass , Crappie and many other species of fish.
A fisherman fishing from the bank gets in the boat and we take him fishing and it turn out to be a awesome fishing trip.
Hope y’all enjoy !
Thanks for watching Rocky Drake Outdoors a family friendly fishing channel.
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God Bless
Thanks man for your service. It's fishing not catching. Thanks Rocks and Ron's for letting him join y'all
Hi Rocky, I met you at Madison County Lake today, Friday Feb 07. Thank you for giving me the time to chat with me, I watch you and Richard video all the time and here you are right in front of me, I was a bit shocked. I should of ask if there is any chance you guys could show me about local fishing, if it's possible please let me know, it would truly make my visit to Alabama complete.
U guys R awesome taking that man fishing
Godbless yal rocky and ronnie !
That's was best thank you Rocky and Ronnie
Just 2good ole boys doing what everyone should.
Awesome video R&R
That's what I'm talking about. Brotherhood amongst fishermen
What a great video rocky and how great you are to make a memory with a fan like that awesome brother
Awesome fellas! Brotherly love!
Great video y’all are good folks take care guys
Thanks for another great fishing video Mr Drake I really enjoyed it. Tom is a lucky man LOL to get to go fishing with you and Ronnie I know he had a blast I'd really love to fish with if I were able I'm disabled and I can't get around too well but I really thank you for the videos I enjoy watching them but I really appreciate the video take care of yourself and I'll chat with you soon your friend Billy Simmons
So nice of you and Ronnie taking him fishing, y’all are a great bunch of guys
That was extremely nice of you. I really enjoy your videos.
thats really awesome to see a fan fishing and take him out with you guys so he can catch thenm spots to. I think he may be on the hunt for an old bass boat now he has the fever. thank you guys
God bless you Rocky
Pretty cool of you to take him out I’m coming from Georgia this Sunday to stay a few days on Weiss lake gonna go to Guntersville dam this Monday or Tuesday see if there’s some whitebass and or sauger that came in lived in Michigan 35 years then been here for a few months really love catching them big spots
One the best videoed to date, you 2 are true fisherman by taking that man on a once a lifetime day of fishing. Way to go
Two of the nicest guys on the water Rocky and Ronnie
Get Ronnie to sing for everyone!!
I’m not one to comment on videos but that sir is what it’s all about! Taking someone fishing and I guarantee he won’t ever forget this trip.
Awesome video! Love watching you two!
I’ve accepted my invite to fish with you, just let me know when

. Great video!
As always another great fishing video. It was so awesome that you guys invited a stranger to join you. A memory he will never forget.
God bless Rocky Drake and Ronnie Leatherwood! Y’all made that man’s day!