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A Bass Fishing Video For The PANOPTIX Guys!

Seriously. Here I am trying to explain myself. Do me a favor and watch this, then let me know what you think.
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We are a team of avid bass fishermen for over 20 years. Follow us on Twitter, Instagram & Facebook for contests and giveaways

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  1. You are spot on. Younger guys wont ever get it. In fact the history of our country is lost as well. My best friends kid, cant ride a bike, cant throw a football. He is 16 still no driver license, cant park a car. Says he gonna be a video game programmer. One day subject came up he thought there was 3 weeks in a month. Kids today lack street smarts. Alot times my buddy asks me to pick his kid up from school, he never has his cell phone on, he thinks a cell phone is so he can call his friends or play games….no clue that maybe some one needs to reach him.

  2. First, thanks for your story, it is an awesome one. Personally, think that where people get it twisted is that the new generation still has the passion you speak of. I know I do. I think we go about it in different ways. I bet that similar to the magazines you read as you were coming up, is the same as someone watching something on youtube. I, personally, grew up fishing without all this stuff. It was me, my dad and I along with my mom sometimes — heading out Kincaid, or Rend, or LOZ in the fall (caught many many spots when they were still epic in the 90's at LOZ along with the white bass in November. Staying in Gravois or at Alhonna). I too, took a break when i was 18 until 35 or so for the AF. Things had definitely changed but i dont think in a bad way. Now, I live at Guntersville, and would argue some days that the fishing is harder now than it was then. Multiple factors: more pressure, less grass, more pleasure boaters, more tournaments, more of everything. But I still love to fish. Still like pitching a jig in grass w/out FFS. But, I also use FFS, along with side and down to try and make fishing more efficient so I learn more, faster. Pattern recognition, I too study the weather. I think. perhaps, that is what is different — the rate of learning. Technology has made it easier to learn faster. I agree w/you certainly. I know I still have the passion to learn about the things you read about, just like people watch YT or whatever other medium to consume. BTW, if you are ever in AL, and want to go the door is open.

  3. Hey Dale. I'm here because of Randy. I'm staying because of you. I just wish you would stop saying stuff like, "I'm stupid." It is probably a habit, but we don't think you are stupid, etc! Keep em coming. Thanks!

  4. Dale….Never fished a lot of tourny's just some locals did well sometimes …sometimes not….but I bass fished all my life and At 75 I still love to fish as much as I can. Not going to go into this issue with ffs but I will speak of the passion for fishing and the learning nature… these are things we'll take to our grave that some these young men will never understand….the greastest thing we all knew and understood when we set the hook the size was never known and that is what caused the love of the sport

    ….we all ty for your passion keep up the good work….

  5. I totally understand your obsession with everything fishing. I also agree the newer generations will never know how much work it took to learn all the different facets of the sport. You used to have to really put in a lifetime of fishing, reading, and picking the older guys minds to put together a system of fishing that was successful. It is so much easier today to find information on almost any subject due to youtube and other platforms. What I don't think you are realizing its because of guys like you who put in the time and energy to perfect the craft, and then go on to share your hard earned wisdom with the younger generations. I have been guiding hunting and fishing trips now for 28 years, and I know for a fact that if you send some new anglers out on the water with livescope by themselves they will likely come home empty handed. The same is true for hunting. I could give a new hunter the coordinates for a herd of elk, but the odds of him harvesting would be low without instruction on how to stalk in undetected. Livescope is nothing more than another tool in the box. Your hard earned knowledge will NEVER be obsolete! The reason these young guns are so successful is largely due to the old school guys who passed on their tricks of the trade. I will be interested to hear how your day on the water with a guide who uses the scope goes. Please take these comments as a complement to your hard work and willingness to share your knowledge, not a criticism.

  6. I’m 70 and have the same passion I’ve always had for fishing and everything else I do. Don’t watch fishing shows no more . I got sick looking at huge screens all over the front of boats. So many screens on the console I don’t see how they see to drive. I don’t care anymore. I try to just fish and enjoy it.

  7. Well brother we have a few more things we had in common,when I was doing very well I too was into trap shooting,it became my passion,I lived for it,I became a doubles champion,many belt buckles,spent a small fortune getting to that point,at the same time bass fishing,well I had to give up clay targets,I sold my italian two barrel set and bought a new bass boat,not brand new,a couple years old,then it came to my last tournament,I was on a lake I had fished as a boater and co angler,my last was as a co,I was experiencing my first live scope,never seen one before,at the end of the first day I never wanted to see one again,if this is going to be what we see on TV I just won't watch anymore,the gift of being older,it's my opinion.

  8. Spot on Sir. I still Fish the way I always have. I got fishing facts when I was kid I know you read Lunkers love Nightcrawlers. The first book I ever read Awesome book on structure. Passion what’s keeps us going back

  9. I say again Shooting Fish in a barrel. We all have to be aware not to make an idol of fishing. JESUS IS LORD and HE loves us more than HIS own life. All HE requires is you believe on HIM. HE is not dead HE is with the FATHER and is coming back soon. You don't have to "clean your self up" to call on HIM . That HE will do as you as you trust on HIM. Peace in JESUS the name above all names

  10. Damn best show, we are old school and I won’t change, I just go fishing now days, but I quit watching the tournaments, cause they suck watching live scope all day, they probably keep the chiropractors in business fixing there necks

  11. I am old school fisherman myself. Agree LS has change our sport. I'm not a fan of it in tournaments think it has destroyed all the knowledge and time on the water for a many older pros. Several pros have retired and walked away quietly but we all know why. I'm glad I got to enjoy the golden days! Good video.

  12. Johnson spoon with a bullfrog pork trailer fishing grass beds! Boy! Old school you made my day! I’m going to dig in my box and tie one on first cast will be dedicated to you Sir! Keep them videos headed our way Sir we appreciate you!

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