LGB Rods by Yourlakeforkguide- https://www.yourlakeforkguide.com/online-store
Fish Lyfe App iPhone app store version- https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/fish-lyfe/id1436252407?mt=8
Fish Lyfe App Android version here- https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.v1510n.waypoints
Fish Lyfe App, Web Based Version for all device types including iPhones- https://www.fishlyfe.net/
YLFG Pro Lanes- https://www.yourlakeforkguide.com/online-store
Book a guided trip at- https://www.yourlakeforkguide.com/
Smashtech Custom Baits- https://smashtechbaits.com/
Striker Raingear- https://strikerbrands.com/collections/adrenaline
Like my Facebook Page- https://www.facebook.com/yourlakeforkguide/?eid=ARBwEODkbReQ7GV3arhbvJqw1Fv5EYHOVTfONE1N3b6AI26TYOoxXGSgXPBGw25v1M_RW3INKijpA8QX
Follow me on Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/yourlakeforkguide/
Good job, Guys!
The last time Cody and I were out there, our competition should have been "missed fish". I would have won going away.
Now that's a good one….
Fished here a few times couple years ago
lol hahaha check the footage hahah