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Learn How to Flip and Pitch Bass Fishing Lures

Denny Brauer gives expert advice to teach you how to start and improve both your flipping technique and your pitching technique for bass fishing lures. Denny has had a long career at the other end of a flipping stick and his sage advice will help those who want to learn to put a bait quietly and precisely in the water around cover.

Featured Product:
Ardent Denny Brauer Series Casting Rod:
Ardent Denny Brauer Champion Casting Reel:


We are a team of avid bass fishermen for over 20 years. Follow us on Twitter, Instagram & Facebook for contests and giveaways

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  1. i have always over hand cast my line but thanks for the information sir , there are couple plays in my lake i would love to pitch or flip a craw into but wasnt really sure how to do so i looked it up on youtube

  2. The best explanation I have seen in a video on how to flip and pitch. Also has been a weak spot for me. I certainly will put what I learned in this video into practice!

  3. Holy shit. I love youtube. I've seen people do this a lot and never understood why they didn't get backlashes and how they didn't do a lot of splashing. Seen them with senkos even. Never did pay attention to their other hand.

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