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Early Spring Bass Fishing with a Rage Craw – Texas Rig Crawfish

Early spring is a good time to start bass fishing with a Texas Rig Craw. I am using a Strike King Rage Craw Soft Plastic crawfish bait. By slowly dragging the craw across the bottom of 2 boat launches, I am able to catch two largemouth bass. These smaller bass are exploring the warming shallow water especially over rocks and concrete like the boat launch. As the water continues to warm up, the bass should be getting bigger as they look for areas to bed. Its still early in the spring, and bass are starting to feed on emerging crawfish. Try bass fishing with a Texas Rig Rage Craw, or any crawfish bait. You could catch that early spring bass.

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  1. Allright Alex! You saved a baby snapping turtle in the parking lot. I've caught 50 largemouth since 1/1/23 using a Texas rig craw, specifically a speed craw in green pumpkin. Love this bait! Keep It Realistic my friend.

  2. For future reference, its better if you pick snapping turtles up by the back of the shell. If you pick them up by the tail, it could damage the spine from what ive heard. Keep it Realistic!

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