How To

How To Catch Bass On Days They Seem Impossible To Catch

Randy gives tips and advice on how to turn a tough day around…#bassfishing #fishing #angling

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  1. I have places where I caught consistently for years. No you can’t get a bite in many of those areas. Something about conditions has change there or the fish has learned if they go there they get caught.

  2. Randy you should come fish in the Chesapeake Bay with me. I'd love to put you on some redfish and trout or flounder when it warms up. I think you'd enjoy the fights with saltwater fish, and how aggressive they can be.

  3. I fish the Colorado in texas undamed to the coast from me the last dam is 30 miles up the river so most times the water is 2-4 foot deep and its a Guadalupe bass… They seem so be 20-100 feet away when you catch em and they spook easy…finess is the only way and fly fishing catches like 10-20 bass from 5inch to 14inch…i seen 21+ inch fish in the river there closer to the dam where its deeper but i know there in my area too I seen em jump and seen em sitting in a school of 7 big ones. I had to learn there not largemouth…that being said I cant catch a big one…i use 3inch shad 5 inch shad…tried everything but those work…and frog

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