
The Bass Fishing Technique Only The Best Anglers Fully Understand…

Randy talks about the most important Technique in Fishing…#bassmaster #angler #catchandrelease #fishingdaily #fish #fishingtrip #fishing #bass #fishinglife

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  1. I want to disagree with this, but it might be based on semantics or verbiage. I would argue that accuracy is the most important thing and flipping and pitching is just one, I'll be it a large portion, of that pie. Now I don't want to undermine the importance of flipping and pitching, but the accuracy of your flip and pitch is the key. Adaptability is also hugely important and yet another item I would say is more important than flipping and pitching. There are some docks, hang overs, or structures that flipping or pitching isn't going to get you access to. You need to be able to skip a bait. If winds or current are present. Adjusting your cast, skip, flip, or pitch to maintain the accuracy to place the bait where you want it. Maybe even more than just where you want it, but possibly even some place that somebody with less skill or adaptability can't get to. Now if you are simply equating those things as flipping and pitching, then yes I agree. But, I don't think that is where you are going with flipping and pitching. It be like saying the most important thing you can do to be a sharp shooter is make sure you have a good scope. Well if the scope is misaligned or you pull the trigger versus squeezing it. You're still going to miss a lot of shots. Again, I might just be misinterpreting what your saying or what you are encompassing with flipping and pitching. To me, flipping and pitching is just another casting technique and a cup in your backyard is a good way to practice it. Especially if you don't have access to waters to practice your technique on a regular basis. Because let's face it, practice makes perfect. Now, flipping and pitching on water from a boat versus a cup in your back yard is considerably different, but if you can't master the basic mechanics of the technique. It does matter if your on land or water. You still won't be able to hit the broad side of a barn.

  2. So you say leave the open water fish (dig at FFS) and learn "real bass fishing" flipping and pitching.
    What if someone would say leave the shallow water/cover/bedding fish (flippin n pitchin) and learn the art of open water fishing…????
    Is there a right or wrong thought.?!
    Or are you right because of your experience and everyone who differs is wrong because-well their not you.
    Let us know, which im sure you will twice a day and as always always always include the sales pitch for your sunglasses and jig.

  3. Randy , FFS has been around now for at least 5-6 years and has grown by leaps and bounds . You really think it is going away ??? Let's make a bet , $100 $500 you choice !!

  4. All of our waters are tainted with mercury, PCB's, and dioxins. You should not be eating any fish from most of America's freshwater. If the fishing community understood this, and the divisions of fisheries and wildlife made sure to publicize this on their homepage, not kept tucked away in some side tab of the website, the future population of fish in most places would be OUTSTANDING.

  5. Randy it would be insightful for you to do a series of on the water detailed flip/ pitch videos…You shine with the technique, so it would be a great legacy to pass on to the “ new bass jet set”. Flipping Bushes, Best way to pitch to standing cover, etc…….Thanks, Rob

  6. Stealth is 1 thing i've noticed a ton while pitching. I used to fish off of a paddle boat and was able to get within 10 feet of the dock and still get bit 85% of the time while once I started fishing off of a jon boat with a trolling motor I couldn't get nearly as close. Great video,thanks for the info!

  7. The ONLY thing gov’t agencies need to get involved with to save our fisheries is to severely curtail or ban tournaments which are the ACTUAL cause of the decline. New tech has nothing to do with it and is the biggest red herring in the sport. This is just like the gun control nazies who claim that guns kill people so we need more control laws – people kill people so address the real problem. Tournaments are killing our fisheries not tech so lets all focus on the real issue …

  8. My 2 cents of FFS is this. If the pros or anyone else uses it fine, but let me reach out to the PRO. Tours. I do not sit in front of my TV and watch some guy watch his screen and fish. I don't watch it I don't tape it, I don't even watch the weigh in anymore. Barely even watched the Classic this year. Well, I'll get off my soap box now. Time to go fishing, old school style.

  9. Flipping and pitching is something you have to love to become an expert at or just be a really committed tournament fisherman. I prefer to fish a frog and tournament fish for fun as a non-boater. I have had my clock cleaned by a few boaters who love to pitch. It's a tough mental deal for me when I have a boater who really enjoys pitch/flip because they understand the high percentage spots in the cover and will hit them first. So either, we have to be around a lot of fish or I'm screwed. If it's a mediocre pitch/flipper like myself then I've had some success.

  10. Here is the question on the time line when whoever is going to step in and make some restrictions on FFS. Are we as Humans going to wait until it destroys our waterways before we do anything???? I think the answer is yes that is what it will take before anything is done!!

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