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Do I Really SUCK At Bass Fishing?!?!?!

Am I really that bad at bass fishing? Is everyone else actually that much better than I am? A lot of times it can feel that way and every angler questions their skills out on the water. But does that mean we should throw in the towel and give up fishing altogether? In this video, we’ll cover all the aspects of doubt that anglers go through, including my own doubts and struggles!

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  1. I agree…anytime you expose yourself as a scholar of any trade, sport, activity, ect. you leave yourself open to critics that may or may not agree with your methods…. I have noticed that DOERS "Do" and those that don't "Do" often criticize in order to make themselves relevant to the subject at hand….those that share a common interest will often lend constructive critique in order to help guide….not hinder or devalue your methods. I am an avid bass fisherman and tournament angler and I enjoy your videos. You can always learn something or be shown a techique you just simply never thought of. 🤘🏼💯

  2. Last Saturday went out and caught 10, then Sunday only caught 1. That’s just fishing.
    Some of the pros didn’t even bag a limit in The Sabine the other day

  3. I like to maintain the philosophy that any day not spent on the couch or computer is a good day. Any day where I am catching is a great day, and any day where I catch good ones or am successful in something new or predicted is an excellent day. The more I am consistent the more great and excellent days I have, but even the dink days or days where the fish of the day got away is still a good day.

  4. For me to fully be able to determine if you suck at fishing you’ll need to come to Texas and we will fish OH Ivie, Oak Creek Reservoir, and some other local lakes to me. Only them will I be able to fully assess your skills at a bass angle.

  5. I try to just keep fishing. Enjoy the birds. Look at the water. Try to get outside of my head. Trust in the process. Move areas. Switch baits. Switch trailers. Slow down. Speed up. Go high. Go low. Sometimes you gotta learn what doesnt work to get zero'd in on what does. Its a moving target.

    I think you just gotta keep adapting to the changing conditions and stay open minded.

  6. Hey man let me talk to you for a min. Everything you say in the video is very accurate, but I have learned a lot in the 4 years that I have been bass fishing and staying in the MD.DC area where there are a lot of grass lakes and pounds but after I started tournament fishing a buddy of mind to me Man give those pounds and lakes a break and go down to the Potomac River and fish some marinas and stuff I fish from the bank but sometimes we have to get out of our confront zone and try new things I watched all of your changes that you was doing and to me you put too much pressure on your self which will make a person no relax and fish too fast when I started fishing other places and seeing I could catch fish anywhere and stop listing to other people fish this no fish that no I fish my strengths and if I am gonna get skunked at lease I got skunked doing what I am good at tight lines and try some other places

  7. We all have those days that really makes us wonder….as to you and the channel and people being negative, there's always some in every crowd, but there's us that you have helped out and made time on the water better for us and channels like yours, Steve Rodgers really put together really good info on what's going on with fishing and what can help! I appreciate you lowbrow and the work you put in and share with us!

  8. I’ve been fishing since I was big enough to hold a little kids rod and if I’ve learned anything about fishing in general but especially bass fishing is that just because something work for one person doesn’t mean that it will work for you and just because it works in one body of water doesn’t mean it’ll work in the next or even in that same body of water just a different area, I always tell people that ask me for fishing advice that I can give you pointers and bait suggestion, you can also get knowledgeable on YouTube, but at the end of the day you have to find what works for you and the body of water you are fishing, each person is unique and a little different, I have fished with friends and couldn’t buy a bite on what they were throwing and catching them on even in the same general area of the lake but when I found the bait that worked for me I caught them also, then some days you catch ‘em on the same baits as other people, there is no guarantees, you just gotta go experiment and figure it out each and every day.

  9. Well…Internet is full of people that no matter what you do, is ready to start endless and pointless discussions. I believe your contents are actually very useful for your target users. If somebody feels more professional or better tell him to open up his channel 😂 thank you for your effort and dedication!

  10. There are days when I have a huge case of imposter syndrome and feel like I can’t do anything right. And then when it gets in my head it is super hard to turn it around. Lately when that happens I have been trying to focus on being blessed to be outside and enjoy nature. Then I usually relax and before long a bite may show up. I always tend to press too much. Great video!

  11. Right on! I'll watch some YouTube, buy some new stuff, rig everything up in the garage and hit the water – all set with all the confidence in the world knowing it's going to be a GREAT day.
    Then the day progresses with NO fish and little by little confidence fails and attitude gets worse.
    I need to 'keep it simple', get back to basics and concentrate on fish behavior (and remember it's supposed to be fun!)
    Always another day………….

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