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Should not be in comps unless every boat has one! Not everyone can spend heap of cash on electronics so have to be fair or its cheating
In my opinion with seeing videos the last 3+ years of livescope i find the technology fascinating id love to one day use the technology its the tech evolution we live in and its just going to get better n better and hopefully cheaper
Lets allow live baits in comps with livescope
Seem to be no boundaries now
Should we ban American style bass boats too cos they’re faster than everyone else and get to the good spots quicker? A lot of people can’t afford them either, another good reason to ban them….
Simply its crap no other words!
What if a bloke that dont have it wants to enter a fishing comp and doesn't have it ?
I rest my case !
Pole Dancers should have there own comps ! Plain and simple.
It’s certainly a game changer in the way you see fish react to different lures and techniques so you can try adapt to what may trigger them.
But it certainly doesn’t guarantee a hook up just hopefully cuts down on time spent trying things to get that trigger.
i think it's like site fishing with fly – Livescope is a new skill – not an issue when you are catch and release
Yes it should be banned go back to old school
Think it’s spoiling comp fishing. It’s becoming a rich man’s sport. It will be the same people entering the comps so not really a true reflection of the best anglers. Just my opinion.
Do one day with scope and then the other day without in competitions
Livescope all the way, so much fun fishing with new technology. I use Lowrance AT2 and definitely does the job. Pretty sure there was a similar debate when the sonar unit was first made, it all comes down to jump in the train or keep fishing old school.. whatever makes each one happy