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How Livescope is changing fishing competitions – what do you think ???


We are a team of avid bass fishermen for over 20 years. Follow us on Twitter, Instagram & Facebook for contests and giveaways

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  1. In my opinion with seeing videos the last 3+ years of livescope i find the technology fascinating id love to one day use the technology its the tech evolution we live in and its just going to get better n better and hopefully cheaper

  2. Should we ban American style bass boats too cos they’re faster than everyone else and get to the good spots quicker? A lot of people can’t afford them either, another good reason to ban them….😂

  3. Simply its crap no other words!
    What if a bloke that dont have it wants to enter a fishing comp and doesn't have it ?
    I rest my case !
    Pole Dancers should have there own comps ! Plain and simple.

  4. It’s certainly a game changer in the way you see fish react to different lures and techniques so you can try adapt to what may trigger them.
    But it certainly doesn’t guarantee a hook up just hopefully cuts down on time spent trying things to get that trigger.

  5. Think it’s spoiling comp fishing. It’s becoming a rich man’s sport. It will be the same people entering the comps so not really a true reflection of the best anglers. Just my opinion.

  6. Livescope all the way, so much fun fishing with new technology. I use Lowrance AT2 and definitely does the job. Pretty sure there was a similar debate when the sonar unit was first made, it all comes down to jump in the train or keep fishing old school.. whatever makes each one happy 😉

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