How To

90% of LILY PADS Don’t Hold BASS (But These DO)

Lily Pads are one of the best pieces of cover that bass will hold in almost year round! However, they can be overwhelming to fish at times!

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There are a lot of different types of cover when it comes to bass fishing. Bass love wood, they love rock and they love vegetation.

But one of the best pieces of cover where you can almost always find bass are lily pads.

Lily pads grow in massive fields at times and offer great protection for bass and allow bass to ambush prey that is passing by.

Any time I see lily pads I almost always have to fish them.

BassFishingHQ is dedicated to teaching people how to catch more and bigger bass. I will go over different bass fishing tips & techniques that will put more fish in the boat or on the shore. Whether you are just starting out or a seasoned tournament angler, my goal is to help you catch more bass.

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  1. I like rigging a lizard with a small split shot six to eight inches in front of it. Rig weedless they glide across the lily pads. And you can drop them into the small pockets. Bass will often smack them right off the surface.

  2. I am the first timer fishing@ Bass Lake in Michigan without any knowledge of fishing technique, of course it ends disappointment. I started to be following your advice. Tomorrow, is my new beginning. Thinks for the tips.

  3. Some of my favorite spots at my favorite lake are exactly like you say! Mix of lillypads with underwater vegetation. Thank you, i can't wait to apply this knowledge at new locations.

  4. You are one of my favorites for sure Tyler. Best comment of the video is the “butthole” thing. Your content is super detailed and helpful, I absolutely died laughing about this though. No idea what to call it either. It will for ever be termed as the “butthole” in my family now. Thanks for all you do. I really enjoy watching your stuff and it helps me a bunch.

  5. Your videos are some of the most informative, well illustrated, and concise fishing videos. Too many others belabor the subject, but you simply provide the necessary information clearly. Keep them coming.

  6. Man you are chock full of very valuable information. Unfortunately most of what you said was way over my head. The only thing I understood was that lily pads are butt cracks. Keep up the excellent content. I’ll catch on one day. 👍🏾👍🏾

  7. Bruv,
    Very relevant to Australian species. Good,quick breakdown of Zones & your videos very different to the normal stereotypical bass fishing uploads. I was about swipe up but caught my interest & the quickclip of the rock wall f nailed it for me.

  8. I always have good luck with the Project Z Weedless and a good double willow spinnerbait in the spring when it’s mostly stems. I love fishing pads in general though—just wish we got to do more of it here in OH!

  9. Always throw at least a little pads when I hit a lake, usually will get some there. Good info, will include some of this new info such as the point and pocket tip into my bank of knowledge.

  10. Helpful video, pads here in Florida seem to thrive year round but grow denser at different times of year. Usually if its to thick I move to a more clear spot. This video gives me confidence to fish pad pockets and outer edges. Thanks

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