Was the 2024 Bassmaster Elite Series more a soap opera or a professional bass fishing series? In a year with more drama, penalties, jealousy and at times hate for other anglers and fisherman, lets look back at the good and bad of the 2024 Bassmaster Elite Series. From Chris Zaldain yelling at a fan, to JT thompkins disqualification, Chris Johnston winning AOY and Trey McKinney winning ROY, it was a drama filled exciting season on the Elites.
#bassmaster #2024bassmasterelites #fishingdrama
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It is hard on every body of water that hosts pro fishing events. I think need to try new places and understand what it takes to host a tournament is hard. The drama is getting be too much almost.
The open anglers have always been able to get info from day 1 like the rookies did good this years but they have been able to do it since the 1st year. The info rule is a grey area rule that is impossible to control and monitor. A elite series angler or open angler can look at the elites schedule from 2007 till now and they go to the same lakes over and over. That said, they can buy spots for every lake from every guide or whoever they want from every lake the elites have ever been because they will go back multiple times. They rule is impossible to police. Its been fishing for 50 years and will be for 50 more. Getting mad about it is pointless.
Livescope is the new sidescan get with it or get left behind and please stop crying about it
Great show. Keep it up.
I give it a 5 way too much drama same ole same ole places! Thanks, Steve, for your fair options
The elites schedule came out, what's your thoughts , no st Lawrence I'm shocked lol
Let's Go Steve

I think there was a lot of frustration this year that came out.
Listen to u . Y make drama
Ffs ain’t Fishin
Ffs is no fishing. It’s cheating
Hey Steve, when B.A.S.S. allows open anglers to get waypoints, does it surprise you that these rookies won on bodies of water where they had little to no experience at all. There’s something to be said about putting your time in and these rookies just don’t have the experience. If B.A.S.S. would have split the tournaments where half of them you could use FFS and half of them you couldn’t. I believe you would see those rookies struggle because for some of them that’s all they know
Thanks Steve very well said
Zaldain should’ve been pissed . You watch me two days then pull up and fish. That’s bullishxx!
For me its hard to get into the Elite series when there are so many "kids" fishing – folks that are 1/2 to 1/3 my age
2025 will not be any different. I think the "chirping" will continue. I think this years rookie class will continue to do well next year and the accusations and rumors will continue. If you're a pro don't go to a "family member" and use them to chirp about others on social media. To me that is diving into the grey area some loved to talk about all year.
Use it for practice only!
all this over a giant sunfish
Take away buying spots and ffs and that rookie class is nowhere near the best
All televised fishing has dropped to about a 3.
No one cares about watching guys fish all day. It’s boring. The internet brings drama.
Same as any sport.
NCAA Football was Michigan cheating, FSU whining all year and it bite them in the ass, conference realignment.
WNBA is all about Clark and the league hating on her.
Golf has its turmoil
It goes on and on.
That is the world of sports today. Real sports isn’t good enough to please people now….they want “reality sports”.
And Yes, stop hammering Harris. It’s ridiculous. It isn’t that big to have that much pressure .
It’s probably time for the, to be tired of Harris and go back to hammering Kissimmee Chain.
I could never understand how the southern states think it's healthy to pull females off beds with eggs or pull the male off guarding eggs. Maybe its time to reevaluate the situation
Steve can't wait to see your npfl coverage
I'm tired of the same lakes, what they do on the st lawrence all the locals destroy their weights, it isn't to catch them fish. I want to see tough places where adjustments matter not the gain on panotptix. The smallie lakes are horrible to watch
A lot of throwing shit at the wall love it, thanks as always great show. Well done with the channel lately always enjoyed it but the deeper dives are cool because I trust you and believe you don’t just throw shit at the wall. Always respectful when discussing difficult topics. Applaud you for being willing to discuss this stuff. Not here for the drama just a fan who enjoys the look inside. We don’t get fishing on Sportscenter each night so this is that for a lot of us fans. All that to say thanks dude. 9 out of ten for me. I’ll admit I can be a fanboy just of the sport but Hamner had me in tears after the Classic discussion digging for change under his seats for gas. Trey with the AOY as a rookie most of the year had me paying attention. Jordan Lee was right there for a bit cool to see him back. I do think there was a concerted effort to intimidate a few of the rookies. If Trey weighs in that bag that was disqualified he would have won AOY. His fault yes. Entertaining to follow absolutely.
Hey Steve. How much do you think the guys at MLF are breathing a sigh of relief that this year is all about Bassmaster.
As far as a rating goes, I will give the fishing a 7 and all the drama a 3. Way too many retread lakes for my taste. I also think they should make the minimum length 14 inches on most lakes, maybe 16 inches on a few of the exceptional lakes. It would weed out a dink fest that sometimes happens.
As far as the Rookies goes, I think you are starting to see the farm system starting to pay off. The days of a 30 year old account deciding he wants to become a professional angler will soon be a thing of the past. Don't forget this has been an old boys club for a very long time. In most professional sports, it is dominant by a younger demographic with a sprinkling of veterans mixed in. We have been doing it backward forever, and that's changing, and the older pros don't like it.
I predict that over the next 5 to 10 years, our sport will look much different than we are used to. For better or worse. But it is going to be one hell of a ride. Pardon my French.
As far as the rule braking goes, Bassmaster needs to raise to fine threshold. If it costs you large, especially a deliberate infraction, you may think twice before skating the rules.
Ok, tight lines.
Regards, Steven.
Trey McKenny was accused of multiple shady things. And absolutely nothing has been confirmed by anybody. Stop lying and spreading untruths about this young guy. Way too many old anglers are butt hurt. It wasn’t against the rules to buy spots and that’s nobody’s fault but BASS
Excellent levelheaded presentation. Thank you
Drama? That is an understatement. BASS looks and sounds like a room full of middle school girls fighting over the same boy who does not know that any of them exist and doesn't care.