A run down video of what the 2024 Bassmaster Opens may look like with all of the changes coming to the Major League Fishing Bass Pro Tour. Also a recap of the Bassmaster Open on Florida’s Harris Chain, Elite Qualifier Race Review, and announcements for 2024
A run down video of what the 2024 Bassmaster Opens may look like with all of the changes coming to the Major League Fishing Bass Pro Tour. Also a recap of the Bassmaster Open on Florida’s Harris Chain, Elite Qualifier Race Review, and announcements for 2024
Hell of a season! Go get ahold of that squash!
Congratulations on you and your wife’s pregnancy. It will be the greatest 7.5+ pounder you ever catch.
Unreal season keep the dream alive
Massive congrats to you and the Boss!
2:43 reminds me of the trailer park boys scene where ray is getting interviewed and yells at the dog
But no, excited to see you in the northerns next year. I really hope to see you on the elites in a few years.
11:50 Milliken finished in the top 10 at the flw college national championship in like 2015ish
You should be proud of your opens season…thanks for taking us on the ride
The bottom line is. Catch fish are take your ass home. What's the problem. You all have FFS, and all that other computer bull crap and that tube sticking in the water are whatever it is.
Say what you want about Randy… livescope will get banned eventually. Writing is on the wall
Jamie your awesome for putting it all out there like you did ! Most people don’t realize what it takes to do what you did especially with a wife at home. If you don’t have 100% family support you might as well forget it because bad things can happen if you know what I mean. When I was your age I did the MWC walleye thing and I look back now and think what was I thinking ! Little sponsorship help and driving all night to go to work on Monday ! Your deal is much bigger for sure but you’ll come back stronger than ever

Love watching your videos !
I enjoyed keeping up with you. Your good, so just take another swing.
Love the hustle. So great to see you taking family first and I am sure you will be back for blood.
Those squash are hard to cut! Watch your fingers
1st off congrats on the pregnancy with the wife best wishes! Thxs for sharing your fishing journey

Be proud, hell of an effort. Congrats on a great year.

As easily as it got away from u. It could of went the other way. Your going 2 the classic. U have the right attitude. B thankful 4 the classic.
Hell of a year! Was a blast watching and keeping up with you on your journey!! And congrats to you and the wife!
Was a really great year regardless of how it shook out for ya. I think you opened a lot of eyes from guys down south, including Randy’s, that you’re a weapon and you deserve to be up there. Was a lot of fun following your basstrak and seeing your name near the top a lot of times
How soon before hard water fishing starts for you?