How To

20 Yrs Of BANK FISHING For BASS Simplified In 3 EASY TIPS (Catching A Giant Fishing A New Pond)

Bank fishing for bass is one of the best times you will ever have. No matter if you are just starting to fish or you have been fishing all of your life, there is just something so fun about bank fishing for bass.

INSTAGRAM: ty_berger

Focusing on irregularities when bank fishing can help you to start catching bass quicker than wasting time fishing around the entire lake or pond.

One thing you always want to try and do is get to where other people can’t get too, this will also increase your chance at catching more bass.

Also, make sure you fish laydown trees at the right angle so you don’t lose so many lures.

BassFishingHQ is dedicated to teaching people how to catch more and bigger bass. I will go over different bass fishing tips & techniques that will put more fish in the boat or on the shore. Whether you are just starting out or a seasoned tournament angler, my goal is to help you catch more bass.


We are a team of avid bass fishermen for over 20 years. Follow us on Twitter, Instagram & Facebook for contests and giveaways

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  1. Tyler this brought me back to my younger days One thing I do remember is walking up on a cotton mouth. 2 times it happened I did catch a few bass. Good exercise. 👍

  2. I’m to embarrassed to fish the banks, only the poors do that. It’s like driving with your windows down when it’s 100 degrees because your too poor for ac.

  3. Fishing a high pressure pond, I'm getting out in a kayak to change things up, alternating between a Ned rig and dropshot, super slow retrieve.

  4. OMGosh I thought You were sliding on down to join that Fine ass Billy, the badass Bass!!! Lol. OUR absolute Exiting Beautiful Playful Basses!!!
    Try that fun catch on my first time on kayaking…lo

  5. What ducks for me is bass fishing has been my dream and passion and I've always wanted to go pro since I was 3 I'm now 14 and still loving it more than ever I just recently was cut off from my great grandpa wich is the one I've always fished with and the one who taught me everything I know and he also was my boat and tournament buddy but we can't do that now do to some drama between my whole family and my mom so I've gotten done with the crying but not done with fishing I'm gonna fish until I make it to the big league and then I'm gonna keep on fishing but the problem is that my home pond and the only one within walking distance and the only place in my town that holds fish doesn't have bass only channels and green sunfish so I can't go catch bass as much as I used to but I'm hoping we move to Florida because my parents are looking at houses there so I'm hoping to bass fish there even though it will be completely different bc even though I've been to Florida and different states and even the Caribbeans I've only ever fished it texas much less bass fished so it will be hard in the beginning but I'm gonna learn so yup that's my story hope yall have an amazing day/week/ year

  6. I have a friend who always want to go places where everybody go to and never catch nothing. I tell him all the time stop following people. And he likes to go off other people word. Like I love to fish before and after it rains and always catch plenty of fish. He always say the water either to high or wind blowing to much or to dirty.

  7. This is probably the simplest, most effective breakdown I’ve seen of how to catch big bass from the bank in public waters that contain structure. I’ve caught more big bass from the bank pitching a jig to lay downs than any other method. I lost a lot of jigs learning what angles to pitch from 🤣

  8. Depending on where you live and fish, this location could be called a natural inland lake, not a pond. In the upper Midwest, this would be considered a lake, not a pond.

  9. My wife got on me today she asked me why come I have 12 rods and 5 tackle boxes and 3 duffle bag full of artificial lures and only take 3 pre-wired rods and only one zip lock bag of 6 lures soft and hard. My answer is because I use them lol 😆

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