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#1 Reason You Struggle To CONSISTENTLY Catch Bass!!!! (Easy To Fix)

Bass fishing can be a grind sometimes. Some days we go out and catch tons of bass and then get skunked the next few trips. Usually, it all boils down to a few simple reasons and best of all, they are easy to fix and cost nothing! So if you struggle to consistently catch fish when out bass fishing, then this video might be exactly what you need! #fishing #bassfishing #fishingtips

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  1. It is almost like you have been following me around watching me struggle ! Great info for exactly what i have been dealing with, i get so frustrated i just tie on another and another and another , just to get skunked . Thanks to this video i have some new tools. Thanks lowbrow you Rock !!

  2. Past history-itis. So so true! I actually have no qualms with fishing from memory. If we didn't fish from memory some, we wouldn't have any experiences to bring to the table. HOWEVER, it will only get you so far . Sometimes it works as hoped and other times….well, if I dogmatically stick with what worked the last time or with the same locations as before, and ignore what the fish are telling me (or NOT telling me), than I'm going to have plenty of fishless days. I only give a certain pattern or location so long before I shift to something or some place new. As with everything, sometimes I find a new pattern and sometimes I don't. Every day (and sometimes ever HOUR) is different. There is never any guarantee. And there are better fishermen than me. But, again, if I stick with something that isn't working (anymore), I'm sure to stink up the place.

    Some of my best fish were caught when I wasn't paying attention (which usually this means I'd been fishing the bait too fast or not deep enough). But if I pay attention to how I wasn't paying attention (i.e., figure out what I was doing differently), it can lead to more fish in the boat.

  3. As a kayak fisherman I like to paddle back into this hidden coves and anchor down. That forces me to pick apart the entire area that鈥檚 in casting distance. If I come empty, move on knowing I worked it over good. Having an anchor trolly makes it easy and fast to deploy, retrieve and position the yak.

  4. Of course I'm distracted when I'm fishing with a 9-year-old he is constantly making mistakes I have started turning the trip into a competition so that he will concentrate more and it has worked Now I have to work on getting him to understand conditions grassy lakes let's go wacky rig weightless sanko fluke weightless anything that looks like it's Dying windy conditions Spinner bait and swim bait We are making those memories

  5. Last weekend it was very windy. I wasn't sure what to throw. Tried a top water popper, then a spinnerbait, a frog, t rigged soft plastic…no bites. Walked my way back around the lake and reveresed the order I was throwing the same baits…nothing. I changed the color of my worm, black to red shad and boom, landed a nice 2 pounder. It was a slow day people weren't even getting bluegills to bite. Edit: to answer your question no, I never lose focus.

  6. Lowbrow, this was really great and your point #1 – focus, each cast. That hit home, about a month ago I learned a real hard lesson, had just cast out a drop shot and I hadn''t started to tighten my line. On top of that I was looking at something on the water and not my line. A big one hit me and took off immediately, I frantically tried to reel up and catch up to the fish, when I did it was too late, the bass spit the hook and that was that. Missed chance due to my lack of focus!

  7. I鈥檓 always focus on when on the water , I鈥檓 enjoying my time on the water while reeling I鈥檓 watching the birds listening to the different birds watching the beaver or snake swim past my kayak . Not a care in the world, a fish is a bonus in my mind .

  8. There are times when I am completely unfocused. Usually stress related because about a thousand other things that have to get done I鈥檓 worried about. And of course the fishing takes a huge hit because of it.

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